Reports and Accounts

Below you will find key documents relating to the Jersey Employment Trust.Should you require any further information or a more accessible version of any of our reports, please contact us


JET's Constitution describes our principles and established precedents that constitute the legal basis of our organisation and how we are governed. 

To find out more, download our Constitution below.

JET Constitution

Business Plans

Our Jersey Employment Trust Business Plan sets out how we will assist clients on their individual journey in order that they can overcome barriers and fulfil their employment goals.

As one of Jersey's largest social enterprises, Acorn Enterprises provides employment and training for people with disabilities and long-term health conditions.  Every penny made is reinvested back into supporting the work of the charity.  Our Acorn Business Plan details our vision for the next three years. 

Our Business Plans can be downloaded via the links below.

JET Business Plan 2020-2023

Acorn Business Plan 2020-2023

Annual Report

JET Trustees' annual report recognises the achievements and successes of the organisation, highlighting JET's contribution to the island. 

To view the Trustees' annual report, click on the link below.  

JET Trustees Annual Report


Our annual audited accounts detail of how the monies received by the Trust are used to support our client activity and includes a copy of the Trustee report for the given year.  

To view our annual audited accounts , click on the link below:

Jersey Employment Trust Financial Statements 2023

Employ Jersey (JET) Financial Statements 2023

Quality Assurance Report

JET prides itself on continual improvement through its quality assurance processes.  As well as an ongoing internal quality assurance system, JET invites external assessors to independently review the service every 4 years.  This provides us with an independent assessment of service outcomes and any recommendations for future progress.

You can read the latest report here.  

JET Quality Assurance Report