Our approach to training is designed to be flexible and in line with a client's Employment Action Plan, allowing them to address their individual needs and employment aspirations. Our aim is to support our clients to move forward towards employment and we have access to a range of training options to help them achieve this:
Internal Training
Work placements take place across our Acorn business units, including our Acorn Reuse shop and Acorn Horticultural Nursery. These provide a supported environment in which clients can develop their vocational and soft skills ready for the workplace. For more information visit the Training & Development page.
External Training
We can identify and source training from external providers, such as Back to Work. These courses include such areas as IT skills, interview preparation and practice and confidence building. We can also assist clients in applying for vocational study courses through external providers, such as Highlands College.
Highlands College
Job Tasters and Shadowing
An opportunity to explore a new industry or job sector and find out what a specific role involves, allowing the client to make a more informed career choice.
Work Experience Opportunities
We can assist in setting up a part-time work experience placement in a specific employment sector. A work placement enables the client to build and develop their employment-related skills and experience, giving them a better understanding of what is required in a particular work environment and providing them with a relevant work-based reference.
As part of our client training and development programme and in conjunction with local businesses, we are able to offer clients the opportunity to undertake a paid Internship. The goal of an Internship is to provide the client with valuable employment skills and work based experience, provide a positive addition to a CV and ultimately to progress a client into paid work.
Key facts about our Internships:
- Funded by Jersey Employment Trust
- Up to 3 months paid work experience
- Between 20-25 hours a week
- Intern will be paid at minimum wage
Click on the link below to see our Internship FAQs.
Internship FAQs