
The Under 25s Service is the part of the Jersey Employment Trust that works specifically with younger clients.  We work with clients aged 25 and under with a disability, long-term health condition, mental health condition or neurodiversity to help them plan a training or employment pathway.  We provide guidance and support towards achieving this.

Our Under 25 clients can be referred to the service through their school, college, another service, parent/guardian or by self-referral. 

On receipt of a referral, the young person is allocated a Coordinator who works in partnership with them to complete an Employment Development Plan.  This enables the Coordinator to get to know them better and identify appropriate training and development goals, which are captured in individually tailored Action Plans.  These plans are regularly reviewed and adapted to suit the needs of the client. 


Working with Year 11 and upwards, we support students to put in place plans for after leaving school. 


This area focuses on options to explore and achieve a client's training and employment aspirations.

Skills Development

Alongside an Employment Action Plan, we help clients develop essential skills for working life such as travel training, driver theory and communication skills. 


Preparing clients for employment through a range of bespoke training and workplace experiences. 

Under 25s Timeline

  • Joining JET

    Referral received

  • Introductions

    Initial meeting with your Coordinator

  • Goal setting

    Complete a Employment Development Plan and set realistic goals

  • Skills Development

    Identify and develop life skills towards training and employment

  • Education

    Identify training opportunities & engage in workshops and courses

  • Training

    Identify employability skills and undertake relevant training

  • Work Experience

    Develop skills through work tasters, placements & work experiences

  • Employability

    Create a CV, apply for jobs or try an internship