Client Stories

I can't recommend JET highly enough

David Harburn feels like he has landed his ‘gold job’. Having first had an internship at Family Nursing and Home Care, he was offered a paid role, scanning and archiving medical records.

‘It’s a lovely team here,’ he said. ‘I’ve worked in different places but here there is a calming atmosphere. If you haven’t experienced working with people who have a disability, it can be a learning exercise on both sides.

‘I like to do the same thing every day. I find change hard. My mental health is a lot better knowing that I’m not going to have anything unexpected thrown at me. I can walk out every day and switch off and that’s a good sign.’

David, who has been working with Employment Coordinator Mel Therin, uses some tools called decider skills, which help people recognise thoughts and feelings, allowing them to manage their emotions and mental health.

‘If I feel unsure about what I am doing, it’s good to know Mel is there. She will tell me to step back. Before I started here, I was having several issues with anxiety. I was advised to go to therapy but there was a long waiting list. I started talking to Mel and she has helped me more than anything or anyone else. My parents have told me how my whole attitude has changed.

‘JET are not there just to get you a job. There’s a major support network around it. It’s a toolbox. I can’t recommend them highly enough.

‘I would also say to anyone thinking of working with JET, just be honest. Don’t say yes to something you don’t want. But do try things even if they’re unpaid. Get there on time, be smart, a reference goes a long way.

‘It’s not just about the pay, it’s also about keeping active. It can be a scary place, being out of work. Being at home is not what I want. You don’t want to live life on income support.  I look forward to the focus of work.’

Mel added: ‘I’ve noticed a massive difference in David. He’s taken on board all the tools and techniques of decider skills, and has put the work in. He has an amazing work ethic and wants to do a really good job, and it shows. I’m very proud of him.’

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